TED talk: Will automation take away all our jobs?
Ada Stein is the host of this podcast series. She is a business developer and entrepreneurship ecosystem professional working with small businesses and startups.
In this podcast series, she has invited different people from different business areas who present their view on which skills companies look for now (in 2020) and in the future workforce.
In this episode, Ada Stein talks with Anders Hesselvig, CEO, Mr. Toucans about the necessary skills in 2020. In Anders opinion the right mind-set is the most important. “The Right Mindset” to him is among other things to stay curious and having an open mind.
In this episode, Ada Stein talks with three people:
Anne Mette McAloone at IDA Process, which is a network under IDA, the trade organization for engineers in Denmark. Anne Mette talks about the importance of that both management and employees are aware of how data becomes more and more important for decision making and finding new ways of doing things.
Anne Sofie Larsen, Program Manager for X-Tech, Centre for Technology Entrepreneurship at The Danish Technological University (DTU). Anne Sofie talks about the importance of we all have digital competencies as we’re becoming a more and more digitalized and global society
Mads Mads Haastrup, Nordic Sales Manager, ODU Denmark is convinced that the future will be fragmented in to more and more niches, meeting more and more specific demands that needs a lot more new participants in the market place.
In this episode, Ada Stein talks with Niklas Hall, Co-founder & CEO at Acumex. In his view technical skills are only as powerful as the people and the interaction between people and technology and emphasises that both technical and non-technical people are needed to solve business challenges.
In this episode, Ada Stein talks with Signe Kongsgaard, Change Manager at PFA (a pension fund). Sine talks about how most of us do not understand all the technology that we’re using in everyday life. The question is how can we become more knowledgeable and have a mindset that is informed by the reality of business today.
Djøfbladet fokuserer på Fremtidens krav og har her en artikel om kunstig intelligens.
Professor: Kunstig intelligens stjæler næppe dit job
Et resultat af digitaliseringen i finanssektoren er fintech branchen – en branche af primært små og mellemstore virksomheder, der udvikler digitale produkter i snitfladen mellem finans og teknologi.
Læs om SIRI-kommissionens anbefalinger om fremtidens finansektor fintech_rapport_2018_06